How you feel has a lot to do with How you perceive others About How others see you There has been For all of your life A tremendous amount Of futile attempts At controling your life To please others You just kind of got to let people figure stuff out And not try so hard to be the factor That makes it better For all of them It's time for you To allow them to discover That like you and like everyone They have a stream of care and attention And ressources that is going directly through them from source You're going to let them discover that For themselves And you, stop holding yourself responsible For things that you can't control You can be so good to some That you disable them completely You can be so good to some You can be so good to some That you disable them completely You can be so good to some That they become You can be so good to some That you disable them completely You can be so good to some You can be so good to some That you disable them completely You can be so good to some That they become Demanding Of more from you Demanding Of more from you If you love anyone and we know you do Then your dominant intention is to help them As best you can To find alignment with who they are And opposing them And making them wrong And staking your claim And joining them where they're wrong Is not the way to go about it This is the best opportunity To discover Not just the relief Of unconditionnal love But the power of it It's the power of love And once you decide that that's how it's gonna be And you begin translating that into behavior Things just get better and better This is law of attraction thing So what we wanna help you to do Is to acknowledge that You've been doing just fine This is law of attraction thing This is law of attraction thing This is law of attraction thing