If our story was abridged in this song It would already be over now Cause all the good parts didn't seem too long And the bad ones just didn't count. It was your sport to be mean to me And I followed suit. You see That what we are meant to be Can't be sweetened to fix the script!!! And when I cut this B-movie short It wasn't your to decide Take time to recount my words "My acts were the ones that lied" I'll put on purpose your address wrong When I send this post card away It will end in a stranger's trash You would tear it up anyway You know I would do it myself That's the way it went from the star The good times just came and went But we never got caught off guard And when you cut this B-movie short It wasn't mine to decide I'll take time to recount your words I know your acts were the ones that lied And when you cut this B-movie short It wasn't mine to decide I'll take time to recount your words I know your acts were the ones that lied