¡Oye, dícelo! Y esta noche yo quiero ver quién vino a bailar ska, dice Why must you record my phone calls? Are you planning a bootleg LP? You said you've been threatened by gangsters Now it's you, that's threatening me You can't fight corruption with gun tricks They use the law to commit crime And I dread, dread to think What the future will bring When we're living in gangster, gangster time Say Y vamos que suene esta noches Es el ritmo Rococó que dice No No, no Yes, we're living in gangster, gangster time You can't interrupt while I'm talking, and while I'm singing too Or they'll confiscate all your guitars And Catch 22 says if I sing the truth They won't make me an overnight star Don't offer us legal protection They use the law to commit crime And I dread to think what the future will bring When we're living in gangster, gangster time Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, wow Izquierda Derecha Arriba Sí, sí, sí When we're living in gangster, gangster motherfucking side you're with me Llenamos, you call This is a song from Enzio Villa Paredes Caracas, Venezuela presente esta noche Contra la corrupcion, contra todo Babylon Contra toda la violencia que vive mi nación Contra el separatismo, contra todo el pesimismo Contra todo lo que frena, contra el capitalismo Las gotas de sangre por doquier se derraman Y todas las víctimas, justicia proclaman Acá los gangsters no nos van a parar Allá los gangsters no nos van a matar Acá los gangsters no nos van a parar Allá los gangsters no nos van a matar You listen to me, good boy We're living in a gangster time You can't interrupt while I'm talking, or while I'm singing too Or they'll confiscate all your guitars And Catch 22 says if I sing the truth They won't make me an overnight star Y es que esta noche en la ciudad de México Es el sonido del Panteón Rococó Tronando las conzolas suena Virgen Gangster Time