Pariah I should be the blacked-out name on every list Scuttling in shadow and depth Friends with only the question "What led me to this?" Pockets empty, save the fee for Charon Little flesh to miss Stowed transgression in the churning of oceans And acid assonance to cover the traces left Heaving brimstone, the words tumble out Sulphuric retch Oh, how the frailty calls me back Take it Take it back Take it Take it back Take it back Take it Between the conception and the creation Between the emotion and the response Falls the shadow "Life is very long" In self-made shackles Draw up plans for greater things Taunt foundations to crumble There is hope for all but permanence Of cruel wind and oceans Of famine and plague Ring the songs that will tell of the empire I build And its certain decay Of fleeting rapture and intrigue Of a scarecrow's lament Of the cold, callous eyes of debtors awaiting the rending of flesh I crumble, I crawl Bent double under my soul The repulsive weight The awkward shape I made to serve as penitence I wither away With all that shall bear my name As round Ozymandias' dead monuments "The lone and level sands stretch far away" Not with a bang, but a whimper