And this next song is about our home town And I'm sure there's a lot of Dubliners in tonight Would I be right? And, uh, it tells the story of a young man who's growing up in the 50's and 60's And he grew up in a place, it was the south side of the liffy And it was called Pimlico And he fell in love with a girl from the Liberties And, uh, he really really loved his town, Dublin Town But slowly and surely he saw it become a city, before his eyes And he, you know, he just couldn't take it anymore So he was like, you know what, I'm just going to leave here I just, I can't do it anymore so he headed off And, uh, every time he goes out for a drink or he meets friends He always likes to reminisce about Dublin in the Rare Auld Times Raised on songs and stories Heroes of renown The passing tales and the lorries That once was Dublin Town The hallowed haunts and houses The haunting children's rhymes That once was part of Dublin in the rare auld times Ring a ring a rosie As the light declines I remember Dublin City in the rare auld times Me name it is Sean Dempsey As Dublin as can be Born hard and late in Pimlico In a house that ceased to be By trade I was a cooper Lost out to redundancy Like my house that to progress My trade's a memory And I courted Peggy Dican As pretty as you please A rogue and a child of Mary From the rebel Liberties I lost her to a student chap With skin as black as coal When he took her off to Birmingham She took away my soul Ring a ring a rosie As the light declines I remember Dublin City in the rare auld times The years have made me bitter The gargoyles stint me brain For Dublin keeps on changing And nothing seems the same The pillar and the metal gone The royal long since plulled down As that grey unyielding concrete Makes a city of my town Ring a ring a rosie As the light declines I remember Dublin City in the rare auld times So fare thee well sweet Anne Molify The candle on the stair And watch the milkglass cages Spring up along the cave My mind's too full of memories To want to hear new chimes I once was part of Dublin in the rare auld times Now it's your turn, let me here you, come on! Ring a ring a rosie As the light declines I remember Dublin City in the rare auld times Beautiful! Ring a ring a rosie As the light declines I remember Dublin City in the rare auld times