You rolled your tongue, you spat... I flew... A hole in one! Despatched Me in the kitchen sink; I sank confused and bruised and thinking about Our Honeymoon of nights beneath the moon together. Crosslegged, floating Down The river. We didn't need a boat-us angels aren't afraid of water, are We? Are we? I am, now I'm lying flat with alligators and rats to talk To... licking sweetcorn from my fingers, tea leaves from my eyes; the Blood Of suicides is dripping on all sides, and I'm wondering if one of them Could be you. YOU... Yes, I wonder if one of them could be you. (She said, "no complications... I've been hurt too many times before And each time, well it gets a little harder - I'll hurt you if you stay For more. (she said...) She said: "it was different last night; You Were a tiger on the prowl. You had claws - but they snapped. You don't Attract me now. She said, "Don't bother phoning; I'd slam the receiver Right down. Well, I just want to be alone you know these days...) Somewhere someone's laughing.