Staring out over the vast melting; a new season is emerging. None of it means anything to me without you. Days filled with nothingness; I hate this place and it consumes me every day. Isn't this supposed to get easier? Something is just not right: do you feel it too? I tried to make actions speak louder than words; but you weren't listening. I truly believed that we were meant to be. I can't believe the anger and hostility that you have been directing towards me; projections, assumptions; conclusive extremes. I'm hurting; and worse than I've ever hurt before. You've become so cold and uncaring. Stop trying to make me hate you; for you'd never feel a more intense nor pure hatred for the rest of your life, and it's just not in me right now... That searing pain tearing through my guts; This dull ache rippling through my head. Y Ou've turned me into a lame cliché. Thank you. I'm lying trembling on the floor.