You will be someone's ancestor Act accordingly We are counting our blessings counting our losses Lost in memories of lost kin We all want a long life But the cost is the longer our life the more often We will have to see our loved ones lay in their coffins This is not to darken our spirits Rather to harken to a life worth living For our children For our children's children So when those weapons are inevitably formed against them Your granddaughter can whisper through gritted teeth I am the granddaughter of so and so And I shall not fail You will be someone's ancestor Act accordingly When your grandson is surrounded by the enemy On the battlefield of life With his weapon raised over his raised head He will exclaim I am the grandson of so and so And that will be an inspiration for those with him And a warning for those who stand against him You will be someone's ancestor Act accordingly Give fear no breath Give it no quarter Fear is not fitting for a woman of God It is not fitting for a man of God Regardless why be afraid? Death has already mounted his swift steed And is traveling at speed for your throat There is no turning him back You will be someone's ancestor So act accordingly By God there are women in their graves more alive than many of the living By God there are men lying still beneath the earth still more active than the activist Would you dare let the dead outlive you? What a shame to let the dead outlive you You will be someone's ancestor Act accordingly For God said did you think that we had created you in play with no purpose And that you would not be brought back to us Don't return to the most high Unrealized unactualized Don't let delay decay your vision Don't let decay devour your dreams You will be someone's ancestor Act accordingly God put that unsung song in your spirit for our hearts He put that unspoken word on your tongue for our ears He put that undone deed in your body for our world Your unsung song is our anthem Your untold story is our history our prophecy We need it We need you You will be someone's ancestor Act accordingly