More than ever it's a time to ask for the help of God And it's a time not to be afraid It is the time to walk by faith It is the time to do what, walk by faith Faith in the word of God, faith in truth You can pray all you want, if you don't believe the word ha ha Eh yah I want you to listen to this What I see, can be so depressing What I hear, can be overwhelming What I am up against, can be so confusing It leaves war within me When my heart is overwhelmed, remind me of what you say in your word When my heart is overwhelmed, remind me of what you say in your word That I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith in Jesus Christ My hope is built on nothing else Than Jesus blood and righteousness I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith in Jesus Christ What we see can be so depressing What we hear can be overwhelming What we are up against, can be so challenging And it leaves war within us But when your heart is overwhelmed, remind us of what you say in your word When my heart is overwhelmed, remind me of what you say in your word That I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith in Jesus Christ My hope is built on nothing else Than Jesus blood and righteousness I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith in Jesus Christ I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith in Jesus Christ My hope is built on nothing else Than Jesus blood and righteousness I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith in Jesus Christ I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith in Jesus Christ My hope is built on nothing else Than Jesus blood and righteousness I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith in Jesus Christ I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith in Jesus Christ My hope is built on nothing else Than Jesus blood and righteousness I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith in Jesus Christ I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith in Jesus Christ My hope is built on nothing else Than Jesus blood and righteousness I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith in Jesus Christ I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith in Jesus Christ My hope is built on nothing else Than Jesus blood and righteousness I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith in Jesus Christ Ohhhhhh Ohhhhhh Ohhhh ohhhhhh ohhhhhh I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith in Jesus Christ My hope is built on nothing else Than Jesus blood and righteousness I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith in Jesus Christ I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith in Jesus Christ My hope is built on nothing else Than Jesus blood and righteousness I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith in Jesus Christ I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith in Jesus Christ My hope is built on nothing else Than Jesus blood and righteousness I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith in Jesus Christ My hope is built on nothing else Than Jesus blood and righteousness I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith in Jesus Christ Ah eh ah eh ah eh ah eh Eh yah yah yah yah yah Ah eh yah yah yah eh Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh We walk by faith and not by sight We walk by faith Ohhhhhh We walk by faith in Jesus Christ You see, the Bible says God God keeps His word Honestly if what you are building in this time Is not on the word of God, I can assure you it will fail Anything else you are building outside the word of God will fail It will fade away like it never existed Can I tell you a good news? You know it was a season like this The Egyptians were experiencing darkness But in Goshen what was happening? (light) What was happening? (light) No you need to say it like you know it (light) Darkness was in the camp of the Egyptians But in Goshen where the Isrealites lived What was happening (light) In the camp of the Egyptians they were wailing Because they lost their first borns But in Goshen what was happening (light) So that's how God has designed us to function in this time It says behold darkness covers the earth And gross darkness the people But you and I, see I don't care how much you pray o pray it is good Because when I'm telling you, I pray But if you are praying without the word If you are worshipping without the word You are where? On your own So it's not just going to be emotional It has to be the word of God because that's the one that will not, it won't fail So we have been built that way That when there is gross darkness, we shine So it's not the time to be afraid It is the time to shine, do you understand me So it's not the time to be afraid It is the time to do what? (shine) It's time to shine and how you shine is You walk by what (faith) You walk by what (faith) Can you take a step and walk by faith Can you take a step and walk by faith And guess what the faith is not in you If it's in you, you are in trouble The faith is in Jesus Christ If it is left to you, you are going to be in trouble Because you cannot keep, you cannot help yourself But that faith is in Jesus This is why we rejoice, is in Jesus Faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ This is why you should always, always give God thanks Do you understand me, because if is left to you and I, O ti tan, we are done for But faith in who (Jesus) Oh you don't call that name like that, faith in who (Jesus) You don't call that name like that, faith in who (Jesus) Scripture says God has highly exalted him and given him a name That is above every other name including the name of God God, because he obeyed, he did not count it robbery Jesus obeyed he did not count it robbery He submitted himself, He submitted himself Even though they are equal, he didn't count it robbery, He submitted himself Then God gave him a name that is above every other name That at the name of Jesus every knee will bow Every tongue will confess that Jesus Jesus Jesus, Jesus is Lord Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord, hallelujah My hope is built on nothing else Than Jesus blood and righteousness I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith in Jesus Christ My hope is built on nothing else Than Jesus blood and righteousness I walk by faith and not by sight I walk by faith in Jesus Christ How many of you know that the weapons of your warfare they are not carnal? (hey oh)