Abide in me And I in you, oh Lord I am yours and you're my God In you I Live And have my Being Greater are who Lord That Lives in me Lord I need you and you need me That is how you made it so I Belong to you You Belong to me We are a Powerful Team I cannot Live without you I Belong to you You Belong to me We are a Powerful Team I cannot Live without you Abide in me And I in you, oh Lord I am yours and you're my God In you I Live And have my Being Greater are who Lord That Lives in me Lord I need you and you need me That is how you made it so {I Belong to you You Belong to me We are a Powerful Team I cannot Live without you} {With you I can move Mountains With you I can Break the chains With you nothing is impossible} I Belong to you You Belong to me We are a Powerful Team I cannot Live without you I need you Jesus What can I do without you Where will I be without you What will I do without you You're the Center of my Joy You're the Love of my Life You are my Strength You are my Joy