Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Jesus you are all I need Jesus you are all l need Jesus you are all l need Jesus you are all l need I'm chasing after you My will I give to you I'm longing after you Oh God (oh God) 'Cause you are reliable You are dependable You are the source of my strength Jesus you are all I need Jesus you are all l need Jesus you are all l need, yeah Jesus you are all l need, oh Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me Breathe on me (I praise you Lord) Breathe on me (more and more and more...) J'ai tant besoin de toi, Jésus J'ai tant besoin de toi, Jésus J'ai tant besoin de toi, Jésus J'ai tant besoin de toi, Jésus Jésus