Money is all that influences political speech Techno-monopolies suck democracy like a leech Stupefied society listens to what they preach Eyes and ears everywhere, all within their reach You understate me to overstate yourself Technocrats plunge the world into a quagmire And sell our thoughts to the highest buyer Everyone you talk to, like they're wearing a wire Fools gather around and celebrate the bonfire You understate me to overstate yourself Scientific findings blocked for half the Earth Publishers profit out of scientist's worth Talented brains play slaves to the capitalist system A few defy it, play true to science and miss'em Their idealism fights hard to survive, they listen Academics stay strong, fuck greed, resist'em You understate me to overstate yourself Scientific findings blocked for half the Earth Publishers profit out of scientist's worth Respect, know the Earth to be an organism Mourn for the fallen now living inside a prism Mourn for the dying planet's condition Dying to mourn for feudalism Supply and demand, yeh right They set a buying trap and you bite A bunch of words they cite Fall on facts like soft snow And we can still feel Orwell's glow Scientific findings blocked for half the Earth Publishers profit out of scientist's worth You underestimate me I'm going to destroy everything you stand for Fuck you