Set against the sinister red Oils of yellow descended upon And perched atop breast of eminent glow That epitomized all divine and pure Refuge in paralyzed sleep it found Assumed the form of nightmare reeking of death As morn omit bondaged in vain, brought no day, Withdrew unbound With head tilted back, spilled dark waves of hair Invisible chains restrain limbs leaving the mind aware Presence of a heavy spirit whispers silent screams Mocking prayers that upon awakening are only appeased. Fear of the unknown bestowed sustenance Bearing to light featureless mare. Haunting through the sinister red Reached out for a single touch against her loneliness. Embracing the nightmare more and more Wayward desire in terror was sought When death and solace bound into woe... In a Nightmare reeking of death As morn omit bondaged in vain, brought no day, Withdrew unbound Under its folded wings swayed is shamelessness truth Maiden by brute pursued and lashed By faith before the mare And all was black, but incubus breath Diffusing through deceased... Echoing wheeze grew fainter, Set adrift to paradise lost Soon to fade enchantment cast, Yet faded not importunate lust.