One is the trail to follows Two are the choices living Three create unflattering Then when it seems it's all set Is not Collect and desist Light hearted leads But a renegade takes Asking to invalidate Momentary and dense Unattached flood Casting down glowing Advances slowly Concerting fails selling down the river Is veiled aim Of a contradictory bay Against the fall it offers The insinuation Constantly Masters and following And when the winter appears The meaning drops out of sight Inter course change along the wane Abstract and howler digressive Intruder and enchantress Turns one's back on to the edge And while the season changing Rehearsing a same impression A singular promise Turns the might A concept chooses a new degree Masters and following Turns one's back on to the edge again And as a hidden promise Breathings becoming screaming Forbidden and unseen Into revert Flowering to believe Than circle to the light again Masters and following