AWOL Something out there that you don't control AWOL AWOL, fuck y'all, shoot ya with a sugar bowl! AWOL Something out there that you don't control AWOL AWOL, fuck y'all, shoot ya with a sugar bowl! AWOL, fuck y'all Something out there Something out there that you don't control Something out there AWOL, fuck y'all, shoot ya with a sugar bowl! AWOL Something out there that you don't control AWOL AWOL, fuck y'all, shoot ya with a sugar bowl! Shoot ya with a sugar bowl! Shoot ya with a- Fuck y'all Fuck Shoot ya with a sugar bowl! Shoot ya with a sugar bowl! Shoot ya with a sugar bowl! AWOL, fuck y'all! Something out there Something out there that you don't control Something out there AWOL, fuck y'all, shoot ya with a sugar bowl!