I begged and pleaded for reason to be heard But her voice fell upon static ears with no will to hear "Our way is just and right" But the children lay helpless Stripped of their safety We're stripped of our humanity Everyone knew But it was far much easier to ignore And wipe away from an unscarred mind Than to come to terms with such depravity All were aware but the masses remained silent For fear of decimating repercussions We the many, silenced by the few We the many, abused by the patriarchy All of our hands hold all of their stains Of ruined childhoods and forgotten whores Of untold corruption protected by the promise of demise And cleverly guised binding words We perpetuate this virus But your eyes be blind no more For once known, unknown no longer So now I demand of thee a choice Justice for the weak Exploited by the wicked men your idle hands pardon Or suffering, endless suffering