I think suspicions started at that role two months ago  When a certain group of warriors quite politely didn't show Adama doesn't know a thing, Crew, let's keep it that way But somehow the silence gets harder each day  There's a purple & orange conspiracy going on beneath my nose We're running around like a bunch of fools Making sure that noone knows But the laundry comes back with purple & orange underwear each week And Starbuck's been spent hours with Cassie Explaining his purple socks, the snake There are purple & orange vipers hidden in the alpha landingbay And every week I'm signing checks for the purple squadron's pay  Who's paying orange squadron I'm not sure I want to know But I could calmly tell the orange squadron where to go On top of Starbuck's bedding On top of Giles' nerve There's Boxey who's bed wetting And there's Muffit pesky war On top of Socialators who make nights for warriors lazy If Commander Adama finds out about this It's going to drive him crazy So the purple & orange conspiracy doesn't go a step higher than me A colonel can keep military secrets of his own occasionally And as far as Commander Adama's concerned I have turned my face away Hey hey, I ain't seen no purple (?) today