WAFFLE If I had not already been beaten up by robots Or teleported offworld, I'd think I whacked my skull. Lemme check: Some ninja pirates with dinosaurs for mascots Have a gorgeous kidnapped princess. Well, this party won't be dull. PIRATES Sis Boom Ba! Sis Boom Ba! Sis Boom Ba! Sis Boom Ba! ALISHAYA What are you all chanting? Some ritual or charm? PIRATE CAPTAIN No, Princess, we're just calling on our favorite little pet. She's as gentle as a kitten -- that's been armed with plasma rifles -- And today, I'm sad to say, she hasn't had her breakfast yet. ALISHAYA ... Oh. PIRATE CAPTAIN Ah, yer a quick one. For a few more minutes, anyway. PIRATES Sis Boom Ba! Sis Boom Ba! PIRATE CAPTAIN She's a standard issue monster from a prehistoric time, Just ignore the thirty tentacles and foul acidic slime. She's as harmless as a butterfly, but starving her's a crime... PIRATES We're feeding you to Sis Boom Ba! PIRATE CAPTAIN She's a fifty-foot-long bundle of dismemberment and fun, And her favorite snack is Princess, served upon a toasted bun, And princesses in the neighborhood -- well, you're the only one... PIRATE CAPTAIN, PIRATES We're feeding you to Sis Boom Ba! PIRATE CAPTAIN I can't tell you where she came from, we're not sure where all she's been, And we cannot tell what kinda beast she be. All we know is, now and then, the poor girl's lookin' awful thin, So we has ta go and get some royalty! She's a evolutionary aberration to the core, She'd be sweet as any lamb except her taste for blood and gore And we're telling you about it so you know just what's in store... PIRATE CAPTAIN, PIRATES We're feeding you to Sis Boom Ba! PIRATES Hey! Who's that swab upon the altar! What's that gadget that he's got? WAFFLE Princess, pull yourself together -- There! I think I've got that knot! Now let's -- ALISHAYA Sir! Look out behind you! WAFFLE Only time for one good shot -- PIRATE CAPTAIN Well, blow me down! She likes it! WAFFLE, ALISHAYA Let's get away from Sis Boom Ba!