FENDERBENDER What th- AMAZING GRACIE Robots! DOCTOR ZEN There must be fifty of them! COMPTROLL Omniscan confirms sixty! MAXICRON Hero League -- to the fray! FENDERBENDER That battle cry is so gay! DOCTOR ZEN Now, let's not offend -- MAXICRON Don't look now, my friend, but they're trying to blow us away! Blue Streak! MacroMan! AirRaid! Watch it! FENDERBENDER Macro! Watch out -- MACROMAN Wh- AAAAH! AMAZING GRACIE Macroman! He's gone! Max, he's gone! MAXICRON Macro... later! Stay frosty, Leaguers! Don't let 'em touch you! DOCTOR ZEN Amazing Gracie! To your left! AMAZING GRACIE Doctor Zen! DOCTOR ZEN That was close! DARK SUN Fenderbender! incoming! three o'clock! FENDERBENDER Whoa! Thanks, Dark Sun! DARK SUN No prob- FENDERBENDER Dark Sun! Crap! DOCTOR ZEN Maxicron! Something is fouling up my mystic senses! AMAZING GRACIE It's those electrodes! That's what's doing it! MAXICRON Shield Maiden! Envelop as many of those as you can! SHIELD MAIDEN As you say, Maxicron! HI-YO-TO-HO! HI-YO-TO-HO! HI-YO-TO-H- MAXICRON Dammit, we're getting taken apart here -- WHA! AMAZING GRACIE Oh no you don't! MAXICRON Thanks, Gracie! AMAZING GRACIE Thank me later! FENDERBENDER Ha! I have more trouble opening a bag of chips -- AHN -- AMAZING GRACIE Fenderbender! AAH! MAXICRON Get -- AWAY -- from her! AMAZING GRACIE Thanks, Max! FAFNYR Stupid robots make Fafnyr's friends go 'way! Fafnyr ticked! AND THE TICKED-ER FAFNYR GETS -- ARRH! AIRRAID Maxicron, a little help? We're gettin' overwhelmed here! MAXICRON Multiplex! Six-A Defensive! MULTIPLEX Got it, boss! MAXICRON Comptroll! Logic beam, stat! COMPTROLL On it! Logic beam engaged in three... two... warning! warning! Circuits disrupted -- DOCTOR ZEN Mystic forces guide my hand! Ho! Ha-ha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust! -- AAH -- AMAZING GRACIE Max, it's just us! We're all that's left! MAXICRON Then let's make 'em earn it, kitten. AMAZING GRACIE Oh yeah. Maxicron! Behind you! MAXICRON Gracie! AMAZING GRACIE Max! SIR WILFRED Dr. Mallevo. DR. MALLEVO Yes, Sir Wilfred? SIR WILFRED I believe Professor Carstairs mentioned something about... an ultimatum?