When you're alone you better walk in a hurry If you have to go Downtown When you've got jewelry or a coat that is furry It's not safe you know Downtown Just listen to the rhythm from the boom box in the Caddie Hookers on the sidewalks looking for their sugar daddy And winos with booze The alley's all dark down there You must be missing your marbles You ought to be scared Cuz' you're Downtown A dangerous place for sure Downtown Carry some mace when you're Downtown Muggers are waiting for you Downtown Don't hang around or else a gang will surround you In their Raiders clothes Downtown Maybe you'll wonder into places you shouldn't Where they show peep shows Downtown Just listen to the clatter of the gunshots from a Nova You'll be in Intensive Care before the night is over Those drive-bys again Your car is not safe down there 'Cuz they can strip it in minutes Including the spare While you're Downtown Better be weary there When you're Downtown Cover derriere Downtown It's pretty scary there Downtown Don't Go Downtown Downtown Downtown Downtown...