Light of Light Lord of Lords He is the Conquering Lion Of the Tribe of Judah Light of Light Lord of Lords He is the Conquering Lion Of the Tribe of Judah Gone are the days of Darkness and rain I rise up my head And humbly give thanks Don't feel no way No, don't feel no way Those negative feelings Will go away So lift up your hearts And open your soul To Jah-Jah Trust HIM afi take over control The Omnipotent One Nothing short of magnificent Light of Light Lord of Lords He is the Conquering Lion Of the Tribe of Judah Light of Light Lord of Lords He is the Conquering Lion Of the Tribe of Judah I and I know that the day soon come When we walking hand in hand together To the top of the mountain We built this love upon a solid foundation So we ah forward it along now I kept searching for something to set me free I never knew that the love that I was seeking Was already all around me Light of Light Lord of Lords He is the Conquering Lion Of the Tribe of Judah Light of Light Lord of Lords He is the Conquering Lion Of the Tribe of Judah Light of Light Lord of Lords He is the Conquering Lion Of the Tribe of Judah