Do all that you can this day Give it all, expand yourself If you can do more sprint, do more sprint But when it's done, it's done If you can't get out of bed That means there is nothing in your life that is so important That you can't just get your ass up out of bed You have nothing to live for, quite frankly Because when you are moving towards something that is most important to you When you got a big vision, you don't wanna sit down You can't rest Every single waking moment of your day Is dedicated to moving forward And sleep, sleep is a waste of fucking time right And physiologically of course well it helps We are all gonna need sleep support your hormones But what I'm saying is That your vision, your mission your goal Your bigger picture, how you gonna support other people What you are gonna build, create and offer to the world Means far more than a few extra hours of sleep You know, they know how it feel They are not tired, they are not overwhelmed You find out a fucking way to overcome that challenge of your feelings You make that shit happen You understand The most stable thing that a man can do Is to listen to his heart And to follow it because it always leads to what is pleasing in the end The fastest bandaid ripped off remedy Is to do the thing that you are afraid to do It may be difficult in the beginning It may be difficult for years But you will die on your death bed If you ain't a strong sense of integrity and loyalty to your heart You can't buy that You grow stronger not for yourself and this near moment your spend on earth You grow stronger for your lagacy For those who might not never know your name Because they need you and we need you Keep going As dark as it gets keep going As difficult as it gets As much as it seems as if the world is crumbling down around you And there is no way out keep fucking going